X-CURL® cut

We give new life to curly, wavy and afro hair every day: treat yourself to a unique haircut experience with the Curly Hair Experts of the I Love Riccio Salons

We give new life to curly, wavy and afro hair every day.

Find out how it works

Why choose the X-CURL® cut?

The X-CURL® cut is the product of over 10 years of research and experimentation by Fulvio Tirrico on an incredible variety of curly, wavy and afro hair types. This makes it a unique cut, capable of adapting to over 20 types of curly hair.

What makes the X-CURL® cut unique and innovative compared with other cutting techniques is its execution, strictly carried out on dry hair and personalised according to hair type. Our professionally trained Curly Hair Experts are the only people that know how to perform it.

The X-Curl® cut adds volume, definition and movement to curly, wavy or afro hair, enhancing its specific qualities and characteristics, precisely because unlike traditional cutting techniques it is personalised on the basis of the customer’s hair.

Book your cut in the Salon
The advantages of a cut performed using the
X-CURL® Method
Hair analysis

Our Curly Hair Expert will perform a detailed preliminary analysis of your hair to determine the cut that best suits you and your features.

Shape and duration of cut

Even as your hair grows the cut won’t lose its shape and will maintain its definition for six months and more.

Managing your own curls

With I Love Riccio you won’t have to worry about managing your curls at home.
Thanks to the consultancy of our Curly Hair Experts who are available in our Salons or online, you’ll know which products to use and how to apply them for a perfect curly routine!

Specific products, also at home

To maintain and manage your curls at home with really striking results you can buy all of our hairstyling products in your local Salon or online in the I Love Riccio shop.

The importance of cutting curly hair when dry

The X-CURL® is a personalised cut that can be adapted to your type of curls and every single lock of your hair.

Curly hair has different lengths when dry and wet, sometimes also of several centimetres, and so it is imperative to always cut it when dry to retain total control over the lengths.

Thanks to the X-CURL® cut it will be possible to achieve wonderfully voluminous and even results: you won’t feel that dreaded sense of uncertainty when dry your hair and there will be no more unpleasant surprises when your wet cut hair turns out to be too short when dry.

A new and exclusive technique that will make you proud of your curls and leave your hair looking better than ever.

A completely different way of cutting curly hair compared with traditional techniques that will transform your curls into the defined and full-bodied hairdo you have always dreamed of.


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e i prima e dopo, risultati del METODO I LOVE RICCIO

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“Il capello riccio ha una sua cultura, se si è troppo affezionati a piastre, ferri e phon meglio lasciar perdere…”

Your experiences

“Fulvio non solo ha accettato la sfida di un caso difficile come il mio, ma ha davvero dato nuova speranza ai miei ricci!”

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