How long can it take to get back to my curls of yesterday and more importantly what will my curls be like after a few years of using I Love Riccio products?⁠ Will they grow? Will they become thicker? Will they have more volume? What will they be like?⁠

We are asked lots of questions by many women who think it is impossible to fulfil certain goals because despite having tried everything they have never got anywhere near achieving satisfactory results.⁠ Our aim is to help you choose the right products for your curls, simplifying your routine as much as possible because time is precious and unfortunately, as you have seen, you often end up wasting lots of time without achieving any kind of result.⁠

This is due to a lack of personalised consultancy.⁠ There are dozens of different types of curls that need different levels of hydration, but that’s not all: beautiful curly hair is the result of lots of different correlated factors, such as the right cut, colours and products used in the correct way.⁠ We can help you bring together all these strands.⁠ That’s what we’re here for!⁠ Even remotely.⁠ Hundreds of girls have obtained the curls they had thought had gone forever by following our advice online.

Today we’re going to tell you the story of a woman who like many of you set out with the goal of making her curls look really special again!⁠ We want to show you the path followed by Francesca, who has kindly agreed to let us publish her photos and story.⁠ For 3 years Dr. Francesca Baccini (francy_lovecurlyhair) has been using only our products; she has had some difficult moments in her life which significantly weakened her curly hair.⁠

Fortunately she has now come through this tough period and as you can see the use of hydrating and nourishing products together with the X-Curl cut carried out once a year in our Salon (a cut designed to make the hair grow with volume) has left her hair looking stunning.

This is the part of the story that makes us happiest and most proud of the path we have undertaken!⁠ Look how thick, hydrated and radiant her curls look after 3 years. ⁠ The photos speak for themselves, they are the answers to the previous questions…what will they be like and what will happen to them?⁠ The significant growth of the hair, an objective for many of you, has been possible because the curls have been properly hydrated inside and out. Her curls are healthy and happy!⁠ Is her Curly Routine laborious, complex and long?⁠ Absolutely not, it is very quick, practical and effective and involves just a few products.

She came to us and we thank her for the trust she has shown in us. We offered her the benefit of our expertise and our passion with the aim of bringing back the smile to her face because, just like you, we know how important your curls are psychologically.⁠ The results were visible right away, as you can see in the photos!⁠