Daisy came to us for the first time on 28 December 2016 from Desenzano del Garda. Her expectations were high, she had been following us for a long time and was really keen on freshening up her look or at least improving her appearance beginning with her curls. Until then nobody had ever managed to tap into the full potential of her curly hair: it had been cut but this had only served to give it that classic flat and shapeless look.

The first step was to understand her goals and to reassure her that we wouldn’t shorten her lengths, of which she was very fond.

The cut was performed on dry hair using our X-Curl method and we suggested carrying out a super moisturising treatment to restore the natural definition and hydration of her curls.

We finished after about two hours and the results were extraordinary: her curls were radiant and had the exact shape she was looking for, her face looked more relaxed and her appearance was completely refreshed.

We recommended some products to use at home to maintain the results, in her case the hydrating kit was the ideal solution. The treatment was a striking success and we said goodbye to Daisy really pleased that we had been able to give her the look and image that she deserved.

Living a long way from us, for the next two years she went to a local hairdresser thinking that a little trim now and then would be enough to keep her hair looking amazing like the first time she came to us. Unfortunately, by going to a regular hairdresser not specialised in curly hair her hair gradually took on a completely different shape and appearance, the result of lightening, bleaching and anti-frizz treatments, eventually becoming thin and visibly flat and dull.

She got back in touch in April 2019 to show me the state of her curls.

My astonishment was pretty obvious and I was sorry to see the way in which her image had been completely compromised. At the end of May 2019 she came back to the Salon and, determined to take back control of the situation and her appearance, put her complete trust in our expertise, unable to look herself in the mirror any longer.

We decided to eliminate all of the straightened and burnt part, performing a cut and deep hydration treatment to achieve the goal we had set ourselves: that of returning Daisy’s curls to their previous splendour.

Seeing the happiness in her eyes when we had finished the treatment meant a lot to us because as well as our technical expertise we are also driven by our passion, our desire to make customers like Daisy feel these kind of emotions, because everyone can and deserves to feel and look their very best in life.
